Friday, November 02, 2018

Update on Stewardship: November 1, 2018

We want to give you a cautiously optimistic report on our 2019 Stewardship Campaign, at least as it relates to “treasure.” 

For 2017
For 2018
2019 as of Now
2019 Probable
Number Pledging in terms of Treasure. 
The table above shows where we are at 8:00 AM, November 1, 2018.
We are nearly $15,000 increased in our pledges for 2019 over 2018.  The pledge total for 2019 is nearly $23,000 over 2017. 
We have at this time one more pledge for 2019 than for 2018. 
While that table is good news, we think we have more good news on this.  There are sixteen families or individuals who are now worshipping here who in 2018 pledged nearly $40,000 towards Hilltop.  We are contacting them this week in the first phase of our post-Commitment Sunday work to ask if they plan to step up again for 2019.  We are cautiously optimistic that most of them will say “yes.”  If twelve of them step up even at 2018 levels, the last column in yellow is where we expect to be.  We are cautiously believing that three 2019 dollars will emerge for every four 2018 set of dollars.  Given the ‘Culture of Growth’ we saw start with pledges and non-pledge families and individuals, we think that is conservative.  Said another way:  wOval: Possiblee do not think that the probable pledged or pledge count is unrealistic. 
We see this growth as part of the culture we are hoping to sustain and nurture:  A Culture of Growth. 
Our potential growth in terms of time and talent is not as positive.  We have eight families/individuals who want more information on how to grow in terms in discipleship and eight (some the same, some different) who want to explore serving.  We still have work to do here. 
Returning to treasure and Growth, we have right at 230+ families or individuals who have worshipped at Hilltop in 2018 three times or more.  We have pruned this list to remove those who are seasonal or having zip codes that are not in our region/area.  Adding those who pledged in 2018/2019 with those who supported the church financially in 2018, we get 170 or so families or individuals. 
First, there is no entrance fee or minimum expectation of support in terms of time, talent or treasure.  For years, the first word of Hilltop’s self identity was “belong.”  Again, there are no dues or entrance fee to belong to the church, only an inquiring heart.  If in doubt, please read and re-read until the meaning is understood unequivocally. 
That said, we continue to pray that as part of “belonging”, a family or an individual will want to get started with supporting that which they belong to. 
We have made some suggestions over the course of this campaign around levels of weekly sharing of our treasure.  Here is a modest proposal:  treat $20/week as a “full share” in Hilltop’s financial life; treat $10/week as a “half share” and $5/week as a “quarter share.”  Multiple families are investing in double digit shares annually.  Where are you?  Why?  The invitation here is to get started with a plan ($5/week) and then back that up with a transaction at your bank that realizes that plan.  In 2020, grow it to $10/week.  In 2021, grow it to $20/week.  Using this logic, Marilyn and I supported Hilltop in 2018 with a little short of 30 shares.  Others have done far more. 
We invite all to get started, on a culture of growth:  time, talent, and treasure. 
Pastor Dennis and Dr. Roy Trawick

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