Worship this Sunday is at 10:00
Order of worship will be altered
a little. Roberta and I operate from “form follows function” logic, and
it will be a smidge different. Nothing radical, we start with a prelude
and end with a sending forth. Just be alert, the world needs more “lerts.”
I think that is funny.
Please, if you are in the area,
try and make this important to you to be here. Please? Treat this
as the culmination of “Pastor Appreciation Week.” I would appreciate it
if we had 300+ in attendance.
Our guest preacher is the
Reverend Amy Gearhart. Rev Amy has the task of working out the transition
and culture issues associated with going from a Rocky Mountain and Yellowstone
Conferences to a Mountain Sky Conference. I heard her briefly in June,
and I found her dynamic and challenging.
Please plan on bringing in your
pledge letter. Even if you do not wish to pledge, there are things on the
form we hope you will covenant to do or be. If you have lost yours or forget, the ushers will
have one. If you have already turned yours in, wonderful: you will
have a card that you will be asked to bring up. We want a symbolic
handoff if possible.
Our approach
overall has been a Culture of Growth: time, talent, and treasure. This
is not a pick one; it is pick something from all three. As you grow as a
disciple, we would hope that it would be a natural growth in these three
areas. The church has said that Children and Youth is important, and we
have made grace-filled and powerful changes here. If you do not know
where to bring your time and talent, and have the slightest inclination to help
in the area of children and youth, check the box on the form that says Would you like to have someone
call you about how you might serve? Yes No (Circle One)
But we do not wish to put round
pegs in square holes. If you have thoughts where you might serve, circle
yes. Pray and circle it.
Treasure does have some pretty
specific needs. We have baseline needs of $660,000. That does not
include New Church Start/Second Campus. Our 2018 Budget is $505,000 and
it had a programmed shortfall drawing on prior year extra earnings. We
can’t get to $660,000 from $505,000 by staying with the status quo. If
you are over $1,000 in annual giving, try and increase by at least 5%. If
you are below $1,000 try to get to either $520 ($10/week) or $1,040
($20/week). Set that up on automatic “send” from your bank.
If you want to talk about
stewardship in general or a specific topic within stewardship start with the
Stewardship Committee post a comment to this note and we will get back with you.
John Davison wrote to the Church
Council in late September his views on the coming campaign, it is quite
good: “if you believe the cause of Christ is important in this world, and
if you believe that the programs and mission of HUMC are supporting that cause,
now is the time for you to support what you believe!” Your Church Council
supported that unanimously. It is a logical extension of the Culture of
Growth viewpoint. Please be here on Sunday. Please consider making
a commitment to Christ with an increase in your contributions of time, talent,
and treasure.
Selah, Pastor Dennis
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