Saturday, September 07, 2013

Kickoff Sunday!

Kickoff Sunday!  We circulated a handout for our Christian Education Offerings a few weeks ago.  This is a reprise of that theme.  I am showing below the adult offerings.  The children and youth will also kick-off in their usual locations. 

The Sunday classes all start at 9:00 AM, Sunday, September 8th.  The others are available Monday through Thursday.  Notice the “Invitation to the Old Testament” Class on Thursday night concurrent with Choir, a wonderful opportunity for spouses of choir members.  Child Care provided at that class. 

Sunday Morning

Christian Builders in FH 305    Led by John Davison & Bryan Hendrickson

The early Christian Church in Jerusalem by 40 AD had grown to several thousand members (almost all Jews). Sixty years later Christianity had hundreds of thousands of converts, and 999 out of every thousand were Gentiles. We will discover how this happened in our study of Paul's three missionary journeys.    

Transitions to Christianity in North Room                 Led by Bill Strickland

Transition To Christianity is designed for those whose spiritual background (formal or non-existent) is not mainline Christianity, and who wish to step into the world of Jesus Christ as we understand it today.  We study such things as Faith, Grace, Salvation and many others.  Our current text is “The Gospel According to the Apostles”, which is exactly as Jesus taught it.  We apply our learning's to daily life and endeavor to avoid heavy duty scholastic theology. 

Introduction to the Bible in Upper Room    Led by Pastor Dennis Shaw

The human emotions expressed in Psalms rise to peaks of joy and descend into valleys of despair. In the Psalms, the promise of the reign of God meets the historical experience of God's people. Faith in God's faithfulness collides with human experiences of pain and suffering, enslavement, oppression, and exile. God's people struggle to make sense of who God is and who they are, and in so doing they have composed a collection of moving testimonies of grace, glory, sorrow, and beauty unmatched in sacred literature. For students of the Psalms today, this study offers greater understanding of how these ancient texts of praise, lament, worship, and prayer can still speak to us and for us. Cost of materials will be $20 per attendee.*

Wesley Class in the Wesley Room    Led by Barry Welliver

Surprise! The Wesley class will begin a study on John Wesley. We'll review Christian history before and after the Reformation and discuss various social, political and religious influences on the formation of Methodism. The class will also explore the influence of the Wesley heritage as well as the other contemporary movements. Finally, we'll study the four foundations taught by John Wesley - Scripture, Tradition, Experience, and Reason. If you'd like to understand or revisit some of the roots of Methodism, this is the class for you! 

*Scholarships are available. 

Weekday Classes

Introduction to the Bible

The human emotions expressed in Psalms rise to peaks of joy and descend into valleys of despair. In the Psalms, the promise of the reign of God meets the historical experience of God's people. Faith in God's faithfulness collides with human experiences of pain and suffering, enslavement, oppression, and exile. God's people struggle to make sense of who God is and who they are, and in so doing they have composed a collection of moving testimonies of grace, glory, sorrow, and beauty unmatched in sacred literature. For students of the Psalms today, this study offers greater understanding of how these ancient texts of praise, lament, worship, and prayer can still speak to us and for us. Cost of materials will be $20 per attendee.*

Mondays at 7:00 pm in the Upper Room

Led by Pastor Dennis

Women’s Bible Study

New Women’s Bible Study begins Tuesday, Sept 10 at 1:30. It will be a 7 week DVD study  titled  Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted. What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! This study redefines interruption and shows how it can be God's invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. The workbook is $12.* To order a book, contact Connee Schoon at 801-942-7675.

Tuesdays 1:30 to 3:30 pm in the Wesley Room

Led by Connee Schoon


Diggin’ the Bible

We watch educational DVDs from the Biblical Archaeology Society, PBS, Nova, etc. presented by Biblical Scholars and Archaeologists from Colleges and Universities around the world. We have covered topics ranging from the Dead Sea Scrolls, Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, Honor and Shame, The Evil Eye, Text Detectives, Who Really Wrote the Bible, How Archaeology Illuminates the Bible, just to name a few. There are no books to purchase or studying to do, this is a way to learn and discuss the topic presented that day.

Wednesdays at 1:00 pm in the Wesley Room

Led by Claudia Bilbao

Invitation To the Old Testament

Explore the Old Testament’s story of God and God's calling of the people of Israel through the many “voices” of the Biblical text. Hear the magnificence of a creation hymn, discover the law and wisdom teachings, listen to the warning of the prophets and explore the poetry of the Song of Solomon. Study book is $15.*  Child care provided. 

Thursdays  7:30-9:30 pm in FH 305

Led by Marilyn White-Shaw and Jason Wilden



*Scholarships are available.