Last night, at the church, twelve souls gathered and we talked about leadership.
(I can send you a copy of the presentation if you would like to see it ... click here and send me a note ..and let me know if you have PowerPoint or not. If yes, I will send you the PowerPoint version. Otherwise, I will send you a ubiquitous link that will allow you to see it in a continuous run mode you will have to start and stop if you want to slow it down.)
We reviewed what we had said was important six months ago. We went to John Kotter (Kotter Change Principles) and reviewed his Eight Principles of Change. Finally, we came back and went over the areas of people, programs, building, and finances.
What did we "learn"?
- Most important, we have people who desire that Stratmoor be a positive force in the Community. Ideas of branching out into the community and sustaining programs we have were blessed by the group.
- We embraced Kotter and Jim Collins (Good to Great) in our quest for understanding and insight. We went over the eight principles, and repeatedly we tried to engage their guidance on the quest we have in front of us. For example, we are swimming in a river of information. We must use every opportunity and medium possible to tell our story. Clearly, communication was an area that has so many answers and so many challenges for us. More work here.
- Key elements of Collins are 'getting the right people on the bus, the right people off the bus, and getting the right people in the right seat on the bus' and the idea of foxes as opposed to hedgehogs. Collins says companies, and by implication churches, that went from Good to Great are led by hedgehogs -- rock steady and diligent in the central idea that is the key and essential core of the change paradigm.
- We are following the Collins/Kotter model of getting the right people (i.e. coalition) together before the key issue of exactly where we are going to go is formulated. That is not to remotely suggest that we are not moving: we most assuredly are. Some of our moves now are a combination of obvious and intuitive (i.e. community focus) along with pragmatic (i.e. air conditioning) that our precise end-state is secondary.
- A continued core value is that we are reluctant to mortgage ourselves very much, if at all. It is not off the table as an option, but some kind of combination of grants, potential sale of land, and internal fund raising is the preferred approach. Debt is an option, but one we have to get to after some other things are done first.
- We all got excited about an opportunity for ministry expansion w/in our demographic and community that warrants exploration. Details to follow.
The group was left with a homework assignment -- look over the landscape at Stratmoor and decide who is a hedgehog, present last night or not, whom we need to provide leadership: talk to them and then talk to our Lay Leader -- Nell Grindstaff (Nell Email). The role of Church Council Chair comes open in November/December time-frame and getting the right person on that seat in the bus is key and essential to us moving ahead. But leadership opportunities exists in multiple areas
Good food complemented our conversations: Ms Marilyn provided us a repast that was quality and quantity.